
Sunday 30 October 2011

Wealth Dynamics

I take this opportunity, I mean the need to create this blog as part of MIS assignment to share something interesting concerning wealth. This theory was introduced by my Business Coach (Mr. Radin). Normally we would think or perceive that getting wealth or being successful is by sear luck. But after going through the Business Coach Program by Action Coach I have come to a believe that being successful in life is indeed A Conscious and Deliberate Choice That We Have To Make. The mind creates your own destiny. The universe responds to our desire. The mind stuff and our emotions have direct and tremendous impact in our lives. Being positive about life is one but getting ‘aligned’ is another. The alignment that I  am saying is about the intent, thoughts, speech and action must be aligned in order to be an effective person. What is our attitude towards ourselves and the environment?

What makes someone successful? What are the common things that they do or believe that makes them enormously successful. Besides the drive and enthusiasm, these people demonstrate something worth analyzing. That is, they know their true potential and the  ‘formula’ that  works well for them.  Wealth dynamics brings forward a theory or rather a concept, that there only one of  8 ways that the successful people use to achieve wealth. They know what they are best at and explore all opportunity in that particular field. Passions drives high acheivers.     

In these blog I display the concept. It will certainly benefit you, if you can recognize your truest potential. To what category you belong to. Enjoy reading and think about it. I am sure you too can be extremely successful ..if you believe.. just like me. Its magic. But please have a strategy!

Wealth Dynamics Profile

All wealth is built from a basic equation: WEALTH = VALUE x LEVERAGE Believe it or not, every single wealthy person on this planet has created money flow by creating value, and leveraging it.
Here are the 8 different wealth strategies used by ALL famous entrepreneurs throughout history. Each strategy is naturally suited to one of eight different personality types (called Wealth Dynamics Profiles).
  1. Building innovative products
  2. Building an influential brand
  3. Building high performance teams
  4. Bringing deals together
  5. Buying and selling commodities
  6. Collecting appreciating assets
  7. Controlling assets and extracting cash from them
  8. Creating systems that can be duplicated

Creator... Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Richard Branson

Star... Martha Stewart, Anthony Robbins
Stars are aware of the strength of their personality, and often use it to their advantage without realizing the negative impact it can have on those around them. As a star increases their ability to shine, they can often get burnt out with extreme demands on their time. Increased success frequently means greater stress, and an inability to capitalize on their stardom in a sustainable way. Examples of Stars who have found their natural path include Martha Stewart and Anthony Robbins. However, Martha Stewart didn’t know she’d found her path and deviated from it…it must have been a painful lesson.

Supporter... Rudolph Giuliani and Jack Welch
Supporters have strong interpersonal skills and are great at building relationships but generally poor at knowing how to use their ability to create sustainable wealth in a way that’s fun for them. They have little or no affinity for systems so it is easy for the value they create to be lost. Examples of supporters who have discovered the secrets to their profile are Rudolph Giuliani and Jack Welch.

Dealmaker... Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch
Dealmakers are naturally great communicators, influencers and negotiators with a great sense of timing. They may not understand their limits or how to best capitalize on their unique abilities, and may not believe dealmaking to be a credible way to build wealth. Examples of successful dealmakers are Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch.

Trader... George Soros
Many people see themselves as traders, possibly as a result of the increased profile of online, retail and options trading. In reality, most people aren’t traders, which partially explains why most who try these things, lose their money. Their strength of operating at point blank range is also their weakness as they rarely plan ahead. George Soros has achieved great wealth through following his natural path as a trader without deviating.

Accumulator... Warren Buffet
The accumulator is the safest profile, and relies on a system to achieve incremental wealth growth. Many wealth seekers choose this approach but as it is also the slowest, they get itchy feet and move on before they achieve the success they hoped for. Many see accumulators as indecisive and procrastinators, and they often go unnoticed. Warren Buffet is possibly the world’s most well known accumulator.

Lord... J D Rockefeller, J Paul Getty
Lords look at the entrepreneurs and stars of this world and wonder why on earth they would ever want to do what they do. Lords are rarely seen, yet rolling in cash, and often in control of natural resources and man made structures. They act slowly and certainly, which frustrates many around them, and inevitably these characteristics may be the source of many of their challenges when it comes to wealth creation. John D Rockefeller and J Paul Getty are two successful and well known Lords.

Mechanic... Ray Kroc, Sam Walton

Thursday 27 October 2011

The Wealth Dynamics Profiling system provides clarity on your path of least resistance to wealth creation. Through a profiling test it identifies your specific path to wealth. Wealth Dynamics is an evolution of Jungian psychometric testing into specific action & thinking dynamics that relates to entrepreneurs. It goes back to the roots of personality profiling in Chinese philosophy, which precedes Western psychometric testing by 2,500 years. Rather than just being a profiling report and list of soft recommendations, Wealth Dynamics provides an intuitive system which equips an entrepreneur with:
1.    Clarity on the path of least resistance to success.   2.    One of eight paths with a list of identifiable role models & biographies.  3.    A six-step process to building the right team and focusing on the right activity.  4.    Links to the growth stages in business, giving clarity on leadership succession.  5.    Links to country, industry and lifestyle trends, giving clarity on when winning formulas become losing formulas.
Wealth Dynamics is an essential tool for entrepreneurs, and it provides essential formulas for step-by-step actions to reach your personal wealth